Zeige Ergebnisse 81 - 100 von 127
Koeszegi S, Auer-Srnka K. Erratum on: "From Words to Numbers" published in Schmalenbach Business Review Vo. 59. Schmalenbach Business Review (SBR). 2008.
Auer-Srnka K. The Impact of Perceived Retail Environment on Customer Satisfaction and Buying Behavior: Developing a Comprehensive Conceptual Model. in Proceedings of the 2008 Global Conference. Unknown publisher. 2008
Auer-Srnka K. Understanding Moral Arguments in Intercultural Communication: An Empirical Study on Supra-Cultural Differences in Moral Reasoning in Business - Hofstede vs. Huntington. in Proceedings of the 2008 Global Conference. Unknown publisher. 2008
Fuchs C, Diamantopoulos A. A Consumer-Derived Measure of Brand Positioning Effectiveness: Development and Validation. in Proceedings of the 13th Biennial World Marketing Congress, (July 11-14, 2007, Verona, Italy). Unknown publisher. 2007
Reisinger H, Grohs R, Eder M. Adverse Effects of Sponsorship. in Engilbertsson HÖ, Hrsg., Proceedings of the 36th EMAC - European Marketing Conference in Reykjavik. Unknown publisher. 2007
Fuchs C, Diamantopoulos A. Consumers' Perceptions of Brand Positioning Strategies: Insights into Categorization Processes and Nature of Associations. in Proceedings from the 36th EMAC Conference. Unknown publisher. 2007
Auer-Srnka K, Gegez E, Arzova SB. Cultural Differences in Moral Reasoning - A Content Analysis and Comparison of Austrian and Turkish Decision-Makers' Ethical Evaluations. in Steagall J, Nowak AZ, Baliamoune-Lutz M, Hrsg., Global Economy - How It Works: Different Cases, Different Results. Unknown publisher. 2007
Reisinger H, Wagner U. Einsatzmöglichkeiten für statistische Methoden in der Marktforschung. in Handbuch der Marktforschung. Facultas. 2007. S. 217-222
Ebster C, Reisinger H. Erfolg durch Schönheit - warum sich körperliche Attraktivität im Verkauf auswirkt. Wirtschaftspsychologie Aktuell. 2007;(4):38-40.
Fuchs C, Diamantopoulos A. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Brand Positioning Strategies: A Consumer Perspective. in Dixon AL, Machleit KA, Hrsg., 2007 American Marketing Association Winter Educators's Conference - Marketing Theory. Chicago: Unknown publisher. 2007. S. 89-89
Auer-Srnka K, Koeszegi S. From Words to Numbers: How to Transform Qualitative Data into Meaningful Quantitative Results. Schmalenbach Business Review (SBR). 2007;59(January):29-57. doi: 10.1007/BF03396741
Auer-Srnka K, Baliamoune-Lutz M, (ed.), Nowak AZ, (ed.), Steagall J, (ed.). Global Economy - How It Works: Different Cases, Different Results, Coggin College of Business, University of North Florida/Warsaw University, Warsaw: Proceedings of the 6th Annual International Business Research Conference. in Unknown host publication title. Unknown publisher. 2007
Auer-Srnka K. Hypothesen und Vorwissen in der qualitativen Marktforschung. in Buber R, Holzmüller H, Hrsg., Qualitative Marktforschung: Theorie, Methode, Analyse. Springer Gabler. 2007. S. 159-172 doi: 10.1007/978-3-8349-9258-1_10
Auer-Srnka K. Integration qualitativer und quantitativer Forschungsmethoden: Der Einsatz kombinierter Forschungsdesigns als Möglichkeit zur Förderung der Theorieentwicklung in der Marketingforschung als betriebswirtschaftliche Disziplin. Marketing ZFP - Journal of Research and Management. 2007;29(4):247-260.
Auer-Srnka K, Gegez E, Arzova SB. Why is it (Un-) Ethical: Comparing Potential European Partners: A Western Christian and an Eastern Islamic Country - On Arguments Used in Explaining Ethical Judgements. Journal of Business Ethics. 2007;74(2):101-118. doi: 10.1007/s10551-006-9223-1
Himpel F, Auer-Srnka K. A View on the Japanese Silver Market from an Integrated Marketing & Operations Research Management Perspective. in Haak R, Pudelko M, Hrsg., Japanese Business in the Age of Globalization. Learning, Restructuring, and Transformation for a New State of Competitiveness. Iudicium Verlag. 2006
Auer-Srnka K. Actimel - Erfolgreich in kompetitiven Märkten. in Hoppe D, Reisinger H, Schwand C, Wagner U, Hrsg., Fallstudien aus der österreichischen Marketingpraxis. Band 4. WUV Universitätsverlag. 2006. S. 3-7
Wagner U, (ed.), Reisinger H, (ed.), Schwand C, (ed.), Hoppe D, (ed.). Fallstudien aus der österreichischen Marketingpraxis 4. WUV Universitätsverlag, 2006.
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