ao. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Katharina J. Auer-Zotlöterer

Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 1090 Vienna

Room 05.636

Phone +43 1 4277 38035


office hours: by appointment


Personal Information

Born in Vienna (1972); married & managing 4 kids. Studies of International Business Administration at University of Vienna and Ecole Superieure de Commerce de Paris (ESCP) (1991-96).


Academic Development

2019-now Tenured Professor, University of Vienna | Faculty of Business Economics & Statistics.

2017-19    Managing Director at Parentstoday GmbH.

2015         Professorship of Marketing ('Ruf'), University of Salzburg | School of Law,  - declined.

2013-16    Parental Leave.

2012         Visiting Professor of Marketing, University of Salzburg | School of Law.

2010-12    Parental Leave.

2009         Swarovski Crystal Professor in Multi-cultural Brand ResearchUniversity of Innsbruck.

2006-08    Associate Professor, University of Vienna | Faculty of Business, Economics & Statistics.

2006         Habilitation, University of Vienna | Faculty of Social & Economic Sciences.

2003-06    Adjunct Professor of MarketingUniversité Libre de Bruxelles | Solvay Business School.

2000         Doctoral Degree in Social and Economic Sciences, University of Vienna.

1997         PraeDoc Position in Marketing, University of Vienna | Faculty of Social & Economic Sciences.

1996         Lecturer in Marketing, University of Vienna | Faculty of Social & Economic Sciences. 

1994         Research Assistant of Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Leszek Balcerowicz | Professor of Economics,
                (later Polands Minister of Finance | Vice Prime Minister | President of the National Bank)
                Institute for Human Sciences, Vienna.

International Academic Experience

2023       European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant-Evaluation Panel Member

2006       Guest Lecturer at the Coggin College of Business, University of North Florida, USA;
2005       Visiting Researcher at the University of Otago, Dunedin/New Zealand;
2001-02  FWF-funded Research Project (Erwin-Schrödinger Grant) at the Institute of Marketing, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland.


  • Marketing & Consumer Behavior
  • Transformative Consumer Research
    - (Internal & External) Customer Wellbeing & Quality-of-Life over the Life Course
    - Balancing Needs in Consumers' Various Life Domains
    - Work-Life Balance & Employer Branding Across Generations
  • Mixed Research Methods


  • Auer-Srnka, K. J. und Griessmair, M. (2010): "Mixed Methods-Designs: Die Multidimensionale Skalierung (MDS) als Technik an der Schnittstelle qualitativer und quantitativer Forschung", in: Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 80 (5), S. 31-57.
  • Auer-Srnka, K. J. (2009): "Qualitative und kombinierte Methoden in der wissenschaftlichen Marketingforschung: Theoretische Betrachtung und Literaturanalyse", in: der markt - Journal für Marketing, Special Issue: Qualitative Marketing-Forschung - Konzeptionelle Entwicklungen und Methodische Trends, 48, S. 7-20.
  • Srnka, K. J. (2007): "Integration qualitativer und quantitativer Forschungsmethoden: Der Einsatz integrierter Forschungsdesign als Möglichkeit der Theorieentwicklung in der Marketingforschung als betriebswirtschaftliche Disziplin", in: Marketing - Zeitschrift für Forschung und Praxis, 29 (4), S. 247-260.
  • Srnka, K. und Koeszegi, J. (2007): "From Words to Numbers - How to Transform Qualitative Data into Meaningful Quantitative Results", in: Schmalenbach Business Review, 59 (1), S. 29-57.


Zeige Ergebnisse 1 - 20 von 46


Häcker ML, Auer-Srnka KJ. Breaking Barriers: Addressing Women's Ignored Needs. 2025. Beitrag in AM2025 Academy of Marketing Conference, Cork, Irland.

Auer-Srnka KJ. Escape with the Louvre. A Digital Customer Journey: Marketing at Wort. Case. in Armstrong, Hrsg., Marketing. An Introduction. Pearson. 2025


Auer-Srnka K, Zotlöterer PR. Kundenbindung in B2B-Märkten am Beispiel der It-Branche in Österreich. in Kirchmayr S, Miernicki M, Weilinger A, Wimmer A, Hrsg., Handbuch Kundenbindungs- und Loyalitätsprogramme. 1. Auflage Aufl. Facultas. 2022. S. 37-57


Nguyen HS, Mladenow A, Strauss C, Auer-Srnka K. Voice Commerce: Anthropomorphism Using Voice Assistants. in Pardede E, Indrawan-Santiago M, Haghighi PD, Steinbauer M, Khalil I, Kotsis G, Hrsg., iiWAS2021: The 23rd International Conference on Information Integration and Web Intelligence. New York, NY: ACM. 2021. S. 434-442. (Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services : Proceedings of the ... International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services). doi: 10.1145/3487664.3487724


Auer-Srnka K, Reisinger H, Bauer M. Effects of Functional and Emotional Cues in Advertising on Consumers' Brand Knowledge. in Global Marketing Conference Proceedings. Unknown publisher. 2012

Auer-Srnka K, Gaubinger K, Schweitzer F. Effects of Recession on Consumer Attitudes towards Environmentally-friendly Products. in Tagungsband zum 6. Forschungsforum der Österreichischen Fachhochschulen. Unknown publisher. 2012


Auer-Srnka K. Die Shopping-Träume der Best Ager. in Ladenbau- und Ladenmarketing-Lexikon. Unknown publisher. 2011


Auer-Srnka K, Grohs R, Thelen E. Antecedents and Consequences of Utilitarian and Hedonic Shopping Value. in 39th EMAC Conference, June 1�]4, Copenhagen. Unknown publisher. 2010

Bauer M, Reisinger H, Auer-Srnka K. Household Structure and Dynamic Movements: A Life Cycle Perspective. in Proceeding of the 39th EMAC Conference. Unknown publisher. 2010

Auer-Srnka K, Riefenthaler H. Verantwortung braucht Management: Ansätze zur Verankerung verantwortlichen Handelns in Organisationen. in Meier U, Sill B, Hrsg., Führung Macht Sinn: Ethos und Ethik für Entscheider in Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Kirche. Regensburg: Verlag Friedrich Pustet. 2010. S. 185 - 195


Auer-Srnka KJ. Mixed Methods. in Baumgarth C, Eisend M, Evanschitzky H, Hrsg., Empirische Mastertechniken: Eine anwendungsorientierte Einführung für die Marketing- und Managementforschung. 2009. S. 457-490


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