Marketing in PhD Management

The Chair of Marketing offers 2 courses in the Core Program of the PhD Management program:

  • Academic Research Writing & Publishing

This course aims at improving students’ academic writing skills, and help them to publish papers in leading journals. The course is an intensive one-week course, where participants are expected to focus exclusively on this course. Participants are expected to bring a piece of writing to the first class. This can be a draft of a conference paper or a draft of a regular paper. The goal of the course is to revise the paper after each day of the PhD course. At the end of the course, the initial paper should be handed in together with a substantially revised version of that paper. Students should also hand in a report in which they explain how they revised the paper along the lines discussed in this course. In addition, participants are expected to take part in the discussions.

  • Multivariate Business Statistics

The course consists of three parts. In the first part, the theoretical foundations of selected multivariate techniques are presented. In the second part, participants are expected to write a scientific article using one or more multivariate techniques. In the third part, participants will conduct a practical data analysis project with a given data set.