Dr. Elisabeth Wolfsteiner

Sprechstunde nach Vereinbarung.


Bakkalaureatsstudium der Betriebswirtschaft an der Universität Wien (Bakkalaureus, 2007). Anschließendes Magisterstudium mit den fachlichen Vertiefungen Marketing und Controlling an der Universität Wien (Magister, 2010). Dann PhD-Studium Management (PhD, 2016).

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Universität Wien seit 2008. Von September 2010 bis 2014 Universitätsassistentin prae doc, seit April 2016 Universitätsassistentin post doc am Lehrstuhl für Marketing des Instituts für Betriebswirtschaftslehre


  • Sponsoring, Ambush Marketing
  • Nicht-traditionelle Kommunikationsinstrumente
  • Quantitative Marktforschung


  • Wolfsteiner, E., Grohs, R. und Reisinger, H. (2019): "The impact of name and shame disclosure strategies on sponsor and ambusher brand attitude" in: Journal of Business Research.
  • Wolfsteiner, E., Grohs, R., & Wagner, U. (2015): "Memory Effects of Different Relational Links between Brands and Sponsored Events", in: Psychology & Marketing, 32 (10), S. 1031-1048.
  • Wolfsteiner, E., Grohs, R. und Wagner, U. (2015): "What Drives Ambush Marketer Misidentification?" in: Journal of Sport Management, 29 (2), S.137-154.


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Garaus M, Wolfsteiner E, Florack A. When Food Co-Branding Backfires: The Overexpectation Effect. Foods. 2022 Jul 19;11(14):2136. doi: 10.3390/foods11142136

Wolfsteiner E, Grohs R, Reisinger H. The impact of name and shame disclosure strategies on sponsor and ambusher brand attitude. Journal of Business Research. 2021 Jan;124:770-779. Epub 2019 Apr 2. doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2019.03.017

Wolfsteiner E, Garaus M, Wagner U, Girschick A. Selfie campaigns as advertising strategy: Mental imagery as driver of participation. in Global Marketing Conference Proceedings 2020. 2020

Wolfsteiner E, Garaus M, Wagner U. Smile please! Toward an understanding of selfie campaigns. in Proceedings of the 10th EMAC Regional Conference. 2019

Garaus M, Florack A, Wolfsteiner E. Too much of a good thing: Ceiling effects for strong partners in brand alliances. in Proceedings of the French-Austrian-German Workshop on Consumer Behavior. 2019

Wolfsteiner E, Garaus M. TV advertising vs. sponsored TV content in media multitasking situations: The moderating role of sensory mode. in Proceedings of the International Conference on Research in Advertising. 2019

Wolfsteiner E. Das Wunschatelier - Deine Wünsche. Dein Kleid. in Wagner U, Reisinger H, Akbari K, Hrsg., Fallstudien aus der österreichischen Marketingpraxis 8. 1 Aufl. Band 8. Wien: Facultas. 2018. S. 119-130

Akbari K, Wolfsteiner E, Wagner U. "I am excited, thus I pay more!" Emotions and Pay What You Want. in Conference Proceedings - 46th EMAC Conference. Groningen. 2017

Garaus M, Wolfsteiner E, Wagner U. Shoppers' acceptance and perceptions of electronic shelf labels. Journal of Business Research. 2016 Sep;69(9):3687-3692. doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2016.03.030

Wolfsteiner E. Styx - Naturkosmetik, die unter die Haut geht! in Wagner U, Reisinger H, Schwand C, Hrsg., Fallstudien aus der österreichischen Marketingpraxis 7: Ein Arbeitsbuch zu den Grundzügen des Marketing. Band 7. Wien: Facultas. 2016. S. 117 - 125

Weitzl W, Wolfsteiner E, Hutzinger C. The Influence of Corporate Webcare and Brand Advocates on Online Complaint Observers. in Proceedings of the 7th EMAC Regional Conference. Sarajevo. 2016

Weitzl W, Wolfsteiner E, Hutzinger C. We're Sorry! Effects of Online Complaint Handling on Observers' Attitudes. in Proceedings of the 2016 Global Marketing Conference. Hong Kong. 2016

Weitzl W, Wolfsteiner E, Einwiller S, Wagner U. When Credibility Truly Matters Online: Investigating the Role of Source Credibility for the Impact of Customer Reviews. in Proceedings of the Advances for Consumer Research Conference. Band 44. 2016

Wagner U, Garaus M, Wolfsteiner E, Manzinger S. Electronic shelf labels: Customers' perception, approval and behavioral responses - a field experiment. in Collaboration in Research, Conference Proceedings - 44th EMAC Conference. Leuven. 2015

Wolfsteiner E, Grohs R, Wagner U. What Drives Ambush Marketer Misidentification? Journal of Sport Management. 2015;29(2):137-154. doi: 10.1123/JSM.2014-0122

Vetschera R, Weitzl W, Wolfsteiner E. Implausible alternatives in eliciting multi-attribute value functions. European Journal of Operational Research. 2014 Apr 1;234(1):221-230. Epub 2013 Sep 21. doi: 10.1016/j.ejor.2013.09.016

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