Master's Examination Business Administration

The prerequisite for admission to the Master's Examination is the positive completion of all prescribed modules and examinations as well as the positive assessment of the master's thesis.

The Master's Examination is a defensio including an examination on the scientific environment of the master's thesis as well as an examination on another specialization. Here, students choose a specialization that does not correspond to that of the master's thesis. The assessment is carried out according to the regulations of the statutes.

The Master's Examination is worth 2 ECTS points (1 ECTS point for the defensio including the scientific environment of the master's thesis, 1 ECTS point for the examination on the further specialization).

Master's Examination International Business Administration

The prerequisite for admission to the Master's Examination is the positive completion of all prescribed modules and examinations, as well as the positive assessment of the Master's thesis.

The Master's Examination is a defensio including an examination on the scientific environment of the Master's thesis, as well as an oral examination on the business administration or cultural studies specialization chosen according to § 5 B or C. The Master's thesis is evaluated according to the regulations of the Master's degree. The assessment is carried out according to the regulations of the statutes.

The Master's Examination is worth 2 ECTS points (1 ECTS point each).

Examination Content

Marketing Major:

Examiner Prof. Fuchs:

Iacobucci, Churchill: Marketing Research

Kotler et al: Marketing Management


Examiner Prof. Reisinger:

1. Iacobucci, Churchill: Marketing Research


2a. Fill/Turnbull (2016): Marketing Communications, 7th ed.


2b. Kotler, Ph. / Keller, K.L. / Chernev, A. (2022): Marketing Management, 16th Global Edition, Pearson.


Examiner Prof. Auer-Zotlöterer (Marketing as 2. examination subject):

  • Kotler, Ph./ Armstrong, G./ Harris, L.C./ He, H. (2022):
    Grundlagen des Marketings. 8. Aufl., Pearson.

  • Solomon, M. R. (2019):
    Consumer Behavior. Buying, Having, and Being.
    13th Global Ed., Pearson.


For students writing the master thesis with Prof. Auer-Zotlöterer, the following examination material applies:

Articles suitable in terms of content (in terms of methodology) for the master's thesis from the following selection:

  • Pham, Michel Tuan (2023).
    Are scientific practices improving in cosnumer research? A glass half-full and half-empty. In: Marketing Letters 34: 375-382.
  • Oliver, Mathieu Alemany & Vayre, Jean-Sébastien (2015).
    Big data and the future of knowledge production in marketing research: Ethics, digital traces, and abductive reasoning. In: Journal of Marketing Analytics 3 (1): 5-13.
  • Janiszewski, Christ & van Osselaer Stijn M. J. (2022).
    Abductive theory construction. In: Journal of Consumer Psychology 32: 172-193.
  • Sharma, Ayushi / Joshi, Rakesh Mohan / Wali, O.P. (2020).
    Human Capital: A Key Driver of Consumer Decision-making in Online Promotion. An Application of Grounded Theory in Exploratory Research. In: Asia-Pacific Journal of Management Research and Innovation 16 (2): 132-145.
  • Srnka, Katharina J. (2007).
    Integration qualitativer und quantitativer Forschungsmethoden. Der Einsatz kombinierter Forschungsdesigns als Möglichkeit zur Förderung der Theorieentwicklung in der Marketingforschung als betriebswirtschaftliche DisziplinMarketing Zeitschrift für Forschung und Praxis 29 (4): 249-262.
  • Srnka, Katharina J. (2007). 
    Hypothesen und Vorwissen in der qualitativen Marktforschung. In: Buber, Renate / Holzmüller, Hartmut H. (Hrsg). Qualitative Marktforschung: Konzepte - Methoden - Analysen. Verlag Gabler: 159-172.
  • Auer-Srnka, Katharina J. (2009),
    Mixed Methods. In: Baumgarth, Carsten/Eisend, Martin/Evanschitzky, Heiner (Hrsg.): Empirische Mastertechniken. Eine anwendungsorientierte Einführung für die Marketing- und Managementforschung, Gabler: 457-490.
  • Srnka, Katharina J. / Koeszegi, Sabine T. (2009).
    From Words to Numbers: How to Transform Qualitative Data into Meaningful Quantitative Results. Schmalenbach Business Review 59 (Jan): 29-57.
  • Haj-Younes, Jasmin / Abildsnes, Eirik / Kumar, Bernadette / Diaz, Esperanza (2022). 
    The road to quitable healthcare: A conceptual model developed from a qualitative study of Syrian refugees in Norway. Social Sciences & Medicine 292: 114540.
  • Okolo, Chitu (2022). Developing Theory from Literature Reviews with Theoretical Concept Synthesis: Topical, Propositional and Confirmatory Approaches: 1-65. DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.3452134
  • Synder, Hannah (2019).
    Literature review as a research methodology: An overview and guidelines. In: Journal of Business Research 104: 333-339.
  • Grant, Maria J. / Booth Andrew (2009). 
    A Typology of Reviews: An Analysis of 14 Review Types and Associated Methodologies
    Health Information and Libraries Journal 26: 91-108.
  • Mariani, Marcello M. / Perez-Vega, Rodrigo / Wirtz, Jochen (2022).
    AI in marketing, consumer research and psychology: A systematic literature review and research agenda. In: Psychology & Marketing 39: 755-776.
  • Spilski, Anja / Gröppel-Klein, Andrea / Gierl, Heribert (2018).
    Avoiding Pitfalls in Experimental Research in Marketing. Marketing – Journal of Research and Management 40 (2): 58-91.
  • Srnka, Katharina J. / Ebster, Claus / Koeszegi, Sabine T. (2006).
    Lässt sich Sympathie im persönlichen Verkauf erfolgreich vortäuschen? Eine Analyse nonverbaler und verbaler Kommunikation. Marketing Zeitschrift für Forschung und Praxis 28 (1): 39-56.
  • Reynolds, Thomas J. / Phillips, Joan M. (2009).
    A Review and Comparative Analysis of Laddering Research Methods. In: Malhotra, Naresh K. (Hrsg.): Review of Marketing Research 5: 130-175.
  • Podsakoff, Philip M./ MacKenzie, Scott B. / Podsakoff, Nathan P. (2016). Recommendations for Creating Better Concept Definitions in the Organizational, Behavioral, and Social Sciences. Organizational Research Methods, 19(2), 159–203.
  • Keith, Markus A. (2008). Constructs, Concepts and the Worlds of Possibility: Connecting the Measurement, Manipulation, and Meaning of Variables. Measurement (Mahwah, N.J.), 6(1–2), 54–77.
  • Du, Shuili / El Akremi, Assaad / Jia, Ming (2023). Quantitative Research on Corporate Social Responsibility: A Quest for Relevance and Rigor in a Quickly Evolving, Turbulent World. Journal of Business Ethics, 187(1), 1–15.
  • Kepes, Sven / Wang, Wenhao / Cortina, Jose M. (2023). Assessing Publication Bias: a 7-Step User’s Guide with Best-Practice Recommendations. Journal of Business and Psychology, 38(5), 957–982.
  • Chen, Chia-Chen / Yao, Jun-You (2018). What drives impulse buying behaviors in a mobile auction? The perspective of the Stimulus-Organism-Response model. Telematics and Informatics, 35(5), 1249–1262.
  • von Elm, Erik / Schreiber, Gerhard / Haupt, Claudia Cornelia (2019). Methodische Anleitung für Scoping Reviews (JBI-Methodologie). Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen, 143, 1–7.
  • Torraco, Richard J. (2016). Writing Integrative Literature Reviews: Using the Past and Present to Explore the Future. Human Resource Development Review, 15(4), 404–428.
  • Auer-Srnka, Katharina J. (2009). Qualitative und kombinierte Methoden in der wissenschaftlichen Marketingforschung: Theoretische Betrachtung und Literaturanalyse. der markt, 48(1–2), 7–20.
  • Reynolds, Thomas J. / Gutman, Jonathan (1988). Laddering Theory, Method, Analysis, and Interpretation. Journal of Advertising Research, 28(1), 11–31.
  • D’Andrea, Fernando Antonio Monteiro Christoph / Rigon, Filipe / de Almeida, Ana Carolina Lopes / Filomena, Bertran da Silveira / Slongo, Luiz Antonio (2019). Co-creation: a B2C and B2B comparative analysis. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 37(6), 674–688.
  • Phillips, Joan M. / Reynolds, Thomas J. (2009). A hard look at hard laddering A comparison of studies examining the hierarchical structure of means-end theory. Qualitative Market Research, 12(1), 83–99.





Marketing Minor:

Examiner Prof. Fuchs:

Iacobucci, Churchill: Marketing Research (without Chapter 10 and 17)

Kotler et al: Marketing Management



Examiner Prof. Reisinger:

Iacobucci, Churchill: Marketing Research (Kapitel 1 - 10A)

Fill/Turnbull (2016): Marketing Communications, 7th ed. (Kapitel 1-4, 11, 12, 13, 16 und 20)



Examiner Prof. Auer-Zotlöterer:

Solomon, Michael (2022): Konsumentenverhalten. 11. Auflage, Pearson.



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